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Unlocking the Power of 401(k) Solutions with Human Interest: Pioneering a New Era of Partnership.

September 09, 20242 min read

Human Interest aims to help small and medium-sized businesses offer employees 401(k) and 403(b) plans. Human Interest is a hyper-growth company on a mission to ensure that people in all lines of work have access to retirement benefits.

Why Human Interest is Special

Traditional providers have built their business on administering large 401(k) plans. They have not built the technology and automation to run small plans efficiently. Human Interest's fully automated 401(k) Plans can be set up online without ongoing administration and at a lower cost than traditional 401(k)s. Human Interest is already working with national brokers, showing that it could grow quickly and bring new ideas to the 401(k) area. Their recent growth, growing customers, and new products show this potential. They currently work with over 500 payroll providers across the country and are Gusto's and Rippling HR's top 401(k) providers. 

Important Things Human Interest Offers

1. Working Together: This will combine the good parts of the current Dashboard with Human Interest's robust 401(k) planning tools. It will simplify managing benefits and retirement plans, lessen the amount of data entered, and provide updated information all in one place.

To learn more about "No-Touch Solution" Click here

2. Better for Users: People can find their benefits and retirement plans, making it easier to see all their finances. This makes the platforms work well together, getting more people involved. When people join, everything is done automatically, and the number of people in the company that enroll goes up to 90%.

3. Choices for Investing: The easy dashboard lets workers change how they invest their money and keep track of their retirement goals. Sometimes, how we present retirement options sounds confusing and prevents workers from joining the 401(k) plan or doing things with their money. Human Interest lets workers set up their money based on their needs or goals— being more aggressive or conservative. The plan administrator has the option to choose and manage their funds orchoose to work with their financial advisor.

How Human Interest Can Affect How Much Money You Get

If you're starting a new 401(k) plan, Human Interest can give you up to $16,500 in SECURE Act tax credits and deals to help pay for things. If you're changing from another provider, you can get a free report about your current plan. This could help you figure out if your plan is still good. Also, Human Interest can pay you back up to $2,000 for the fees to change from the last provider.

Suppose your company wants a modern, user-friendly 401(k) solution. In that case, Human Interest mightbe the right partner to help you achieve your goals. Reach out to explore how they can work with you to create a better retirement planning experience for your team.

For a recent article written by Bloomberg click here

Human Interest 401k Plans - Integrated With Payroll Services.

Total Compensation Specialist

James Russell

Total Compensation Specialist

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